1. Cover

dsai book cover small

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I want to keep this book as reader driven as possible. The reader may chat about this book here https://gitter.im/Data-Science-and-Artificial-Intelligence-Book/community like asking doubts and suggestions. Or email me here mindaslab@protonmail.com or talk about it in telegram in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence group here https://t.me/ds_ai.

4. Copyrights

This book, all sections excluding the sponsor section is released under GFDL https://www.gnu.org/licenses/fdl-1.3.html

5. Getting this book

You can get this entire book here https://data-science-and-artificial-intelligence.gitlab.io/. To get the code in this book as well as the book source, you can click here https://is.gd/dsaibook.

6. Who is this book for?

I am a practical guy, one who likes to do things and see output for myself. So if you are looking for a practical Data Science and Artificial Intelligence book, then this is for you.

Experimentation and trying out things is important, but it should not be blind and should have a good educational and knowledge background. Imagine a blindfolded person with a machine gun, he will use up lot of bullets before hitting the target. We want to be a efficient sniper, so this book with cover lot of theory as well.

This book is not for one who wants to read it and start an immediate career in Data Science or looking for a job with higher pay. This is for people who wish to fall in love with Statics and Computers.

7. What is Data Science?

We have a lot of data today. Go to Twitter, Reddit or any other social network, there is so much data that you could scroll on for the entire year. There is so much literature produced every year that it takes many lifetimes to read it. People are producing lot of data like their blogs, books, micro blogs, vlogs, mlogs and so on that we are able to apply statistical methods on them to obtain some insights.

We shop, all our shopping data is stored, some shops are able to predict you are pregnant or not,[1] have you ever wondered how Google gave you the right article to read? Gave you the right search result? Showed the right you tube video? Well Google knows who you are, who your contacts are because you use an Android phone, it knows what you send in mail, what videos you watch, your friends watch and so on, with such a lot of information its able to find out about you and make predictions about what you want next.

There is so much information we generate even without knowing us, and all these information is very cheap to store today, and you have enough computing power to crunch them, the science of studying and data could be called as data science.

There is also another simpler definition I buy into, Data Science is nothing but doing analysis on Data with Computer Science. That’s it. Weather you romanticize it or not, these are the definition.

8. You are a data scientist

You too are a Data scientist whether you realize it or not. Take a look at the graph below, you have got two bunch of data points. The one is crowded near top left which indicates that these people have spent a lot on cosmetics.

index de09b

Look at the points crowded at the bottom right, these indicate higher spending on Electronics than on cosmetics. Now out of these two groups which one do you think are female? Clearly you would say one at the top left who have higher spending on cosmetics. Well then, how do you know?

For your entire life you have been observing and gathering data about men and women, you know who spends on what more, with these data you were able to form an algorithm in mind, and plugging these new set of data points to the algorithm you were able to tell which group of points corresponds to spending pattern of man or a woman.

9. What is Artificial Intelligence?

Lets say that you want hot water, you heat a pint of water over the stove, you keep checking if the water boils, when it does so you know that the water is hot, you switch off the stove and make use of the water. This is natural intelligence. Imagine you purchase a electronic water boiler, it has a sensor thermocouple[2] that is tuned to cut off just before the water boil, rather than you checking the water temperature, this machine has an intelligence of its own which maintains near boiling temperature. Now does this machine have intelligence?

Now we would say it no. But sometime back we branded these machines as intelligent devices. And I do believe these machines have intelligence. This intelligence is not natural, its not because this machine has a bunch of neurons like us, instead the intelligence to this machine was painstakingly imparted to it by humans, hence its an artificial intelligent system.

Today’s artificial intelligence systems however is expected to improve. If you do not like certain Youtube videos and skip it, Google learns from it, the next time Youtube gives you better videos. The system slowly learns to be better and better from its experience.

Experience of an Artificial Intelligence system is nothing but the data that’s fed to it. You feed data to it, and it spits out an algorithm. When you give data to the algorithm, it spits out the prediction. Let’s see it more in detail.

9.1. Training and Testing

Let’s say that you want to predict rent of a house, you interact with different real estate people, house owners, you ask them about the area of the house, what features it has, possibly how many car parks, does the house have a garden? What is the quality of ground water? Does it have a government water connection? How many parks are there in 1Km radius? And so on. You tabulate it and you write matching rent of the house. Now you takes the features of the house as inputs and the rents as the outputs, now look at the diagram below

training phase

You feed these inputs and outputs to a magical A.I MAKER, this is some magical thing that when fed with inputs and outputs generates an A.I algorithm that can predict things. Now this A.I maker will do something and spit out an A.I algorithm. This is called as the Training Phase in A.I.

Now to check how good the A.I algorithm is, you give it sme inputs and it gives some predictions as shown below

testing phase

Now you will have some expected outputs for the input, you compare it with the predictions that the A.I algorithm made as show below

error calculation phase

This gives an error report, that is you know how much better and how much worst this algorithm is performing. As an A.I engineer, your job is to reduce the error.

9.2. Feature Engineering

You will give some inputs like the area of the house, its frontage, number of car parks, the road width etc as features to the A.I maker that creates an A.I algorithm, but would you give feature like the height of the house owner? Number of crows you spotted while traveling to house? No! No way. This might bring an laughter or smile, because we all live in a house and most of us know what it means to own a house, or to rent it. But in many domains you may not be aware what are the features you need to feed into A.I MAKER for it to give out the right prediction algorithm. Hence in most cases while designing an A.I algorithm, understanding the domain, selecting what features or attributes that needs to go into the A.I algorithm becomes very important. Perhaps it might be better to consult and/or work with Domain Knowledge Expert.

Selecting the right features to be given to the A.I maker in order to create the best A.I Algorithm is called Feature Engineering. A good feature engineering will produce an algorithm that will give very less error and deviation for a broad set of inputs.

9.3. Splitting Testing and Training sets

It is wise to split the data that we pass to the A.I Maker into two. One is called a training set, which is used to make the A.I Algorithm, other is called a testing set with which we will judge how good the algorithm is. This is because if we give the same data for testing and training, we will never know whether the algorithm has learned and has generalized and understood the situation, or it has just remembered things.

It’s like this, I teach you to multiply by showing how to multiply \$56 xx 32\$ and then ask you what \$56 xx 32\$ is, most probably you will tell it from the memory, so to check your understanding I better ask something else like whats \$42 xx 84\$.

Remembering things though in humans may be considered intelligence, in a computer it’s not. You don’t think a dictionary app as being more intelligent than a calculator app, though a dictionary app has lot of data. A calculator app has almost no data but knows how to find answers to your questions.

9.4. Over Fitting

Let’s say that you want to create a machine learning algorithm for predicting housing prices, so you gather prce of house and its area and plot it as shown.

what is artificial intelligence 19698

Looking from the data there seems to be a correlation between the size of the house and it’s price. If I train a model on this data and model says this is how the prices changes in accordance with the area as shown below

what is artificial intelligence d428b

then I would think that the model has generalized well, but if the model shows something complex as shown below, where it’s able to predict perfectly about the trained data

what is artificial intelligence bb9d8

I would be really suspicious. Artificial Intelligence is about generalization, finding a general rule, like a ball park rather than just remembering or just going too tight with the trained data.

When you are practicing A.I and when you see a model that firs data perfectly, you must be a bit suspicious.

10. What you need to know?

10.1. Mathematics

You need to be strong in Mathematics to be a data scientist. I would say that one needs to know math well to be a computer programmer. There are people who say you could become a data scientist without knowing math, that’s bullshit. It’s like saying that you can go from Chennai to Sydney by walking, just because you are able to walk to your nearby friends home. To go from Chennai to Sydney, you need to learn to pilot a aircraft, that would be difficult, but if your dreams are higher, you need to have sufficient knowledge to achieve it. Similarly, if you want to be an amateur Data Scientist, you can ignore mathematics, but if you want to be a professional one, you must master it. So strengthen up your math skill. The best place to learn math I would say is https://kanacademy.com. There are also other great places which might be added to this book as I feel necessary.

10.2. GNU/Linux

GNU[3] is a project that aims to liberate you from the Satans called Apple, Microsoft and other proprietary software. To know more about their noble philosophy go here https://fsf.org. To liberate you they have created many tools without which modern computing would be impossible. The aim of GNU is to develop a full fledged operating system to liberate you. Linux a kernel[4] had the great honor of being chosen as a part of GNU operating system.

Since GNU/Linux is a truly free software, many of them have created their own distributions or flavours. Some of them completely respect your freedom like the ones here https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-distros.html, others still manage to shackle you.

Today most Data Scientist use Debian https://www.debian.org/ or Ubuntu http://ubuntu.com GNU/Linux, though they shackle you, I feel it would be a great starting point if you have no idea about free software. Try finding about them from your local GNU/Linux user groups https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_user_group. Socialize and make the community grow.

Once you have got GNU/Linux installed on your computer, visit https://linuxjourney.com/ to learn it. And do learn it well before proceeding further.

10.3. Programming

You need to know programming. In this book we will teach you about Julia programming https://julialang.org. There are Julia resources out there, look into the section Julia.


11. Why Julia?

I should be writing a text about why Julia is needed when so many programming languages are there, but I think this video explains it and its precise and won’t cost your time much

12. Installing Julia

Installing Julia as simple for me. I use GNU/Linux, I highly recommend you too use it. Visit Julia downloads page here https://julialang.org/downloads/, you will be shown something like this

julia ef8a1

Select installation for your OS. For GNU/Linux I downloaded the binaries and unzipped the file into my home folder. In ~/.bashrc I pasted these lines

# Add Julia to PATH
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/julia-1.3.1/bin"

the in terminal I reloaded .bashrc using this command:

$ source ~/.bashrc

Now when I typed julia in terminal, I got a nice Julia prompt as shown

julia 7edae

To exit julia, all you need to do is to hit Ctrl+D

13. Getting Help

Julia has a vibrant and enthusiastic community of volunteers and a forum to assist you. You can ask your doubts here https://discourse.julialang.org/ , and help others who need help.

14. REPL and Jupyter notebook

14.1. REPL

You can use Julia in many ways, for very short one liners, REPL[5] is enough. To use the repl, launch your terminal and type in julia, you should be getting a beautiful Julia console as shown

julia 7edae

Now let’s try in some math

julia> a = 1

julia> b = 2

julia> c = a + b

You will be getting an output as shown below

julia 1c3ab

14.2. Jupyter Notebook

REPL is a good way to check out short snippets, but if you are developing some algorithms, you need to run something little more bigger and see its output in a much nicer form. There is this thing called Jupyter notebook, which takes your Julia code, runs it and puts out an output and it’s done in a web-browser so that things look ore pleasing and it’s easier to operate.

Now let’s see hot to get this Jupter notebook up and running. First type julia in your terminal to get Julia REPL as shown

julia 7edae

Now press ], when you do that, the Julia console will go into the package mode. That is you will be able to install Julia packages, it must look something like this

julia ab788

Now type in this:

pkg> add IJulia

This will add IJulia, the thing that’s needed for notebook

Don’t worry if you don’t understand much or anything, as you practice and you learn more you will get. For now if it works, it’s all good.
julia cffb6

Now you have installed I Jula, press BACKSPACE to come out of pkg> and back into julia> and now do this:

julia> using IJulia

julia> notebook()

Something like this will happen

julia ac777

And this will show up in browser

julia 64b0d

Now if you at top right you will see a button named NEW. Click it and select your language (I use Julia 1.4 now)

julia 0de26

You will see a new notebook as shown

julia 2b2e1

In those cells that start with In []:, enter any julia expression and press Shift+Enter to evaluate.

15. Leaning Julia

First I thought of writing my own Julia tutorial, then it would consume lot of effort and it would be like reinventing the wheel[6]. There are good Julia resources available out there, so please check them out to learn Julia. Notables ones are


Humans are visual animals, nearly \$frac{2}{3}\$rd of human brain is used for vision they say. So if you get right view of the data, we can say a lot about it. We will be using Julia as programming language in this book, since this is a practical hands on book, let’s see how to get started with Visualization.

16. Julia Plots

There is a package called Plots[7] in Julia that will help you with creating graphs and visualizations. Let’s see about it.

To get started you first need to install it, fire up your notebook, and in it type this in the first cell

16.1. Types of plots

using Pkg
using Plots

and press SHIFT+ENTER. If you are lucky before A.D 3000, the necessary stuff would have been installed and your plotting library would be ready for use.

visualization 39f69

Next let’s generate an empty plot. Type the following in the next call


and press SHIFT+ENTER, you will be seeing an empty plot as shown below.

visualization 2debb

Now let’s start by plotting some values, type the code below and execute it

y = [1, 3, 6, 5, 7]

as you can see below the values are plotted in y-axis, if nothing is given, x-axis is assumed to be 1, 2, 3, 4 and so on.

visualization fc870

Now a graph is usually a plot on a x-y plane, so lets plot with some x and y values, type in the code below and execute the cell

x = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
y = [1, 3, 6, 5, 7]
plot(x, y)

as you can see, you will get kinda same plot as above, but in the x-axis it starts from 0 since we have given x = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

visualization 577e3

Now let’s see how to plot a bar chart, rather than use plot() tht usually plots a line, we use the bar() function as shown

x = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
y = [1, 3, 6, 5, 7]
bar(x, y)

The above code generates a beautiful bar chart as shown below.

visualization 8e010

Like bar we can have a pie chart too, as shown

x = ["Ten", "Twenty", "Thirty", "Forty"]
y = [10, 20, 30, 40]
pie(x, y)
visualization c4dcb

Scatter plot is one the thing which I use a lot for data science and it’s accomplished by the function scatter() as shown below

x = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 3, 6, 5, 7]
y = [1, 3, 6, 5, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
scatter(x, y)
visualization e2370

Next are the histograms, if you want to see if values are concentrated around something you can use it. In the code below we call a histogam() function to which we pass an array of numbers and this function is intelligent enough to plot it out

histogram([0, 1, 1, 5, 5, 5, 5, 7, 9, 0, 7, 3, 4, 11], bins = 5)
visualization 39e24

If you want to see where the numbers are clustered around, then you can use these plots.

16.2. Documenting Plots

using Plots

x = (0:0.001:2π)
sinx = [sin(val) for val in x]
cosx = [cos(val) for val in x]

    x, [sinx, cosx],
    title = "Trignometric Functions",
    xlabel = "Angle in Radians",
    ylabel = "Amplitude",
    labels = ["sin(x)" "cos(x)"]
visualization e5308

17. Great Data Visualizations

17.2. 1854 Broad Street cholera outbreak

Snow cholera map 1

17.3. Hans Rosling’s Visualization

18. A stub section

Machine Learning Algorithms

19. Regression Vs Classification

20. Linear Regression

21. Polynomial Regression

22. KNN Classifier

23. Decision Trees

24. Random Forrest

25. Support Vector Machines

26. Neural Networks


27. The Iris Project

28. Surviving Titanic

Appendix - Mathematical Resources

29. Mathematical Foundations

30. Algebra

31. Calculus

32. Statistics & Probability

33. Data Science & Machine Learning

1. https://www.forbes.com/sites/kashmirhill/2012/02/16/how-target-figured-out-a-teen-girl-was-pregnant-before-her-father-did/ though these claims are highly debated
2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermocouple
3. https://www.gnu.org/
4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kernel_(operating_system)
5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Read%E2%80%93eval%E2%80%93print_loop
6. Reinvention is good, only if it’s better than the old one
7. https://docs.juliaplots.org/latest/